Want to Get Your Ducks in a Row?

Our subconscious mind receives messages from our immediate surroundings every day. 

So why not make your surroundings reflect something meaningful to you?

Images from nature can help add uplifting energy to any space.

If you want to set a particular tone or atmosphere in a room, choose natural scenes that will enhance that atmosphere. 

For example, this image below of summer grasses would suit an area that calls for tranquility.

Whereas this image of autumn trees adds stronger upward moving energy and would suit a large busy area.

The grounding, stabilising mountain energy of Ben Bulben would suit the wall behind your back at work or a space where people gather.

Ben Bulben in Spring

Romantic tones are added to the atmosphere with the addition of shades of orange and pink.

Just remember,

when it comes to your life,

you are not just the artist


the masterpiece as well. ~Cleo Wade, poet.


If you would like help with making changes to the walls around you
get in touch with me here  Contact 
Little wave breaking on the Wild Atlantic Way
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