Add interest to an area with scenes from nature ..

Below are two short ‘case studies’ that show how scenes from nature revitalises an indoor space and helps keep us in tune with nature!

The first image on the left shows the ‘before’ scene in a lounge area.

Below that, a three-panel view of dawn over Knocknarea creates a window effect, making the space feel expansive. The pastels of dawn add a serene tone.

The next two framed images show movement in nature, adding vibrant energy to the area.

The third row reflects the warming effect of an image of Autumn trees.

The final image then brings a slightly cooler effect from blues in a Wintry scene.

The last row shows a small plain work area made instantly more inviting and inspiring with a view of birds in flight over the Ox Mountains.

Looking for ideas for a room?

Here’s what to do if you would like me to help …

  • Take a few photos of the room with your mobile phone
  • Attach the photos to an email addressed to me at
  • You can also WhatsApp them to me at 0872137581
  • I will contact you to find out about your plans for the space
  • I will send you back options for images that would suit
  • If you like you can send me the room pics and your dreams for the space via this form: Contact – Sligo Photos

A room or an entire building can feel more harmonious when there is a sense of flow in artwork as you move from space to space.

That’s just my personal taste.  Feel free to get in touch when you are making choices to create a supportive environment wherever you are…

Beach sunset at Enniscrone
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